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Films at First Sight

Aug 20, 2022

Jayson sits down with Joe Badon, the director of The Blood of the Dinosaurs to chat about his work, his philosophy and process behind it all, and his upcoming miniseries The Wheel of Heaven.  

Aug 14, 2022

We linked up with the Thor's Hour of Thunder crew to FINALLY get Scarlet Witch to watch Jaws. Mission Accomplished. Now, did she like it?

Aug 5, 2022

Friend of the show Maddie is back to join Caitlin in introducing the fellas to the '90's cult classic But I'm a Cheerleader. The gang raves about Natasha Lyonne, dick iconography, and the constant barrage of queer jokes. We also wonder why Melanie Lynskey isn't in everything, she's the best.

Aug 2, 2022

On this episode of Short Ends, Jayson and Joe review The Blood of the Dinosaurs, a darkly funny short that has the frenetic energy of a late night psychedelic trip.